Partnership is the basis of the business
Aurelia Turbines is a part of the growing and developing concentration of environmental technology of the town of Lappeenranta. The company manufacturers low powered gas turbines for decentralized energy production, which is suitable for electric and heat cogeneration (CHP) in industry and also in commercial and public buildings.
The company’s gas turbines are based on their own innovations and the utilization of the technology developed at LUT university.
“The research at LUT is the basis for our action. We commercialize the research”, says Matti Malkamäki, CEO. He refers to the relevant product innovation, which covers the globe. Malkamäki also mentions the business partnership with the university and highlights the meaning of the networking. “We don’t want to do everything by ourselves. Indeed, we build networks and we work together to accomplish our goals. “
It is the purpose of Aurelia Turbines to expand the business. According to Malkamäki, the corner stone for additional building has been set, already. The space planning is challenging. Along with office and engineering space there has to be a testing room with special structures, also.
“As before, LATO is responsible for the construction of the extension part. The engineering and design come from cooperation with LUT and from our own know how.”